Category: SecureTrack

Sometimes it's neccessary to improve SecureTrack Topology. Reasons might be islands in the topology, the integration of unsupported devices or if devices don't support every option, e.g. VPN. In this case configuring "generic" things help to get the "real topology".

IMPORTANT - before doing steps mentioned below, be sure to have a current backup of your SecureTrack server!

Let's consider the situation that there is a supported device and a generic device - and that a VPN is needed between these two devices. In the first step the supported device and the generic device don't have any connection between them.

The problem is: There has been no VPN detected between the devices R80_lab and VPN_Router. So this VPN needs to be configured manually.
Before configuring anything, some data need to be collected:

After having collected all information, the generic VPN can be configured via WebUI:

The next step is to fill in the parameters collected above. This example configures a VPN between a monitored device and a generic device for both directions.
Syntax: <device_type>,<device_id>,<interface_name>,<tunnel_source_ip>,<tunnel_destination_ip>,<vpn_name>
No spaces are allowed between the entries.

Configuring a VPN in both directions using these parameters

results in these two lines that need to be filled in:



It's possible to have many lines at once, so different generic VPN can be configured simultaneous. If all data are entered, the configuration is saved by pressing the "Submit" button.

The next step is to synchronize the topology to get this new information into it. After this, a refresh is necessary so the new topology is displayed:

The VPN is also "used" in the Topology, as it can be seen in a path:


To get an overview of generic VPN configured, it's necessary to use a data base query via CLI:

 [root@TufinOS ~]# psql securetrack -Upostgres -c "select * from topology_generic_vpn_connections"
 id | is_generic | device_id | interface_name | tunnel_source_ip_addr | tunnel_dest_ip_addr | vpn_name
  9 | f          |       285 | eth2           |          |        | MyVPN
 10 | t         |         14 | interface1   |         |         | MyVPN
(2 rows)
[root@TufinOS ~]#

To delete a generic VPN, the ID of the VPN is needed. The command to remove the VPN is (example for id 10):

[root@TufinOS ~]# psql securetrack -Upostgres -c "delete from topology_generic_vpn_connections where id=10"
[root@TufinOS ~]#

Issuing the command above will show that only the VPN with the ID 9 is left.