Category: SecureTrack

In some cases, it's necessary to change the IP address of the SecureTrack Server. Some facts need to be considered before. The change itself consists of two parts - changing the IP address of the system as well as changing the IP in the SecureTrack Server.


Things to be considered before

Esp. in complex scenarios, some facts need to be considered before changing the IP address of SecureTrack, e.g.

Don't forget to update the documentation/operation manual

Changing the IP address of TufinOS

Since TufinOS is based on CentOS, changing the IP address of an interface (eth0) is done by editing the file


In this file the parameters IPADDR and NETMASK need to be adapted. If necessary, changing the GATEWAY might necessary also. To make the changes effective, a restart of the network component (service network restart) or a reboot of the system is necessary. After this successful change SecureTrack Server has the other IP address.

Changing the IP address in SecureTrack

Before making any change using the command psql, create a backup of your configuration!

If only the IP address of the system is changed, SecureTrack shows the "old" IP address in the WebUI. Everything works fine, but this address should also be changed.
Btw., the same issue happens if a backup is restored to a machine with a different IP address.
In Menu > Settings > Administration > Status, the "old" IP address is is shown. It should be the "new" IP address

To change the IP address it's necessary to connect to the CLI with administrative rights.
First thing to do is to find the ID of the SecureTrack Server.

[root] psql -Upostgres securetrack -c "select * from st_servers"
id |       ip       | display_name | services_stat |   services_last_update    | disk_usage | server_type | software_version | cgi_stat |      cgi_last_success
  1 | | TufinOS      | ok            | 2019-09-05 15:25:13.32552 |         15 | standalone  |                  | up       | 2019-07-15 10:57:36.657694
(1 row)

The next step is to change the IP address of this server.

[root] psql -Upostgres securetrack -c "update st_servers set ip='' where id='1'"

Now it can be checked that also in the data base the IP address is changed:

[root] psql -Upostgres securetrack -c "select * from st_servers"
id |       ip       | display_name | services_stat |   services_last_update    | disk_usage | server_type | software_version | cgi_stat |      cgi_last_success
  1 | | TufinOS      | ok            | 2019-09-05 15:25:13.32552 |         15 | standalone  |                  | up       | 2019-07-15 10:57:36.657694
(1 row)

After a new login at the WebUI also here the correct IP address is shown.