Since TufinOS is a Linux working with networks, these settings need to be configured for the management interface. One way to do so is using the "traditional" way by editing files like e.g.
etc. This is not always the easiest way, esp. if an administrator isn't too familiar with Linux. An easier way is to use a command of TufinOS:
Since this directory is mostly in the environment path, the command can be used also as a single command without typing the whole path:
This command asks the administrator for all important settings to configure the management interface of the system, as shown in the example below
(Please use YOUR IP-ADDRESSES ONLY for lab and productive environment). It also restarts the network service so the changes become active.
[root@TufinOS ~]# config_mgmt_if
Please enter the network details for the TOS management interface (eth0).
IP address:
Default gateway:
IP address for DNS server 1, or press ENTER to continue:
IP address for DNS server 2, or press ENTER to continue:
IP address for DNS server 3, or press ENTER to continue:
Do you want to configure IPv6 (yes|no)?: no
Network settings for TOS management interface
(1) IP address:
(2) Netmask:
(3) Gateway IP:
(4) DNS Servers:,
To change the settings, enter the item number to change.
Enter c to apply the changes and continue, or enter e to exit
> c
Warning: The current network settings for the eth0 adapter will be overridden.
Are you sure you want to continue (yes|no)?: yes
Configuring eth0 settings...
Restarting network service...
[root@TufinOS ~]#
So this command might help to configure the management interface of TufinOS.