TOS status: "checker failure"
The message "checker failure" might occur when checking the status of the Tufin Orchestration Suite.
When looking at Tufin's knowledge base, this message is mentioned as "known bug" that is fixed in R24-1 PHF4.1.0 and R24-2 PHF1.0.0, respectively. If you cannot upgrade or get still the message, this procedure might help:
- Find as root the pod that is responsible for this message by using the command
# kubectl get pods -owide | grep node-exporter
tos-prometheus-node-exporter-zddqg 2/2 Running 0 … - Check this pod, e.g. if it's running (can be skipped)
# kubectl describe pod tos-prometheus-node-exporter-zddqg
... - Restarting the pod helps to return to a normal status
# kubectl delete pod tos-prometheus-node-exporter-zddqg
You can check the status of this pod by using the first command shown above. Please give the pod to start (and to show a status "ok") about two minutes. Checking "tos status" before will still deliver "checker failure" because the pod is still not running well.