If you don't have upgraded now, you should consider not to wait too long. Reasons for upgrade are - new version with new features (ok, that's as always if a new version is released), but above all - upgrade of TufinOS to version 3.x based on CentOS 7. This is necessary because TufinOS 2.x is based on CentOS 6 which isn't supported any more since end of November 2020. Additionally, some security issues have been found in CentOS that are fixed inTufinOS 3.x, but will not be fixed for TufinOS 2.x due to EOL. So also this is a reason for upgrading soon.
All information about the upgrade can be found in the Tufin Portal.
Requirements for upgrading to TOS 20-2 and TufinOS 3.x are
- TufinOS 2.21 or higher, or RHEL/CentOS 6
- TOS R20-1 or R19-3 (any specific HF)
- Postgres 11 (and not PostgreSQL 9.0 or 9.4)
This upgrade is mostly done when upgrading to TufinOS 2.21
Be sure that the new server you will install the latest version of TufinOS has at least 500 GB Hard Disk and 16 GB RAM (even for lab installations). Both parameters are checked during the installation of TufinOS. Installation will stop when these requirements are not fulfilled. Anyway, you shold consider the hardware requirements published by Tufin when setting up a new server.
Before beginning the upgrade you need a new machine besides the existing machine. TufinOS as well as TOS will be installed on this new machine. Your configuration as well as data need to be copied to this machine also. Later on you can turn off the old server and change the IP addresses of the new server to the addresses of the old one.
If you don't have a new machine, you need a new hard disk that is going to be mounted to the existing server. All data are saved to this mount point, so they are available afterwards.
It's recommended that you follow the "Upgrade Assistance" published by Tufin. It's recommended to download an Upgrade Planner Application that needs to be exectured on each server any component of TOS is running on. Resullt of the execution is a JSON file with all relevant information about this specific installation. Throwing this file into the field of the page mentioned before will guide you to the correct and recommended upgrade procedure.
It's also possible to get upgrade information directly without running the Planner Application or other scripts. It's important to distinguish between the different installation types, e.g. "standalone", "with Distributed Archtecture" or "with High Availability Cluster". The recommended way is to use the Upgrade Assistant since in this case all information is transferred. It's the most safe way to upgrade. If you don't like it, you can also upgrade manually.