This server is operated by
AERAsec Network Services and Security GmbH
Wagenberger Str. 1
85662 Hohenbrunn, Germany
Telephone: +49 8102 895190, Telefax: +49 8102 895199
Register Court: Munich, Register Number: HRB 133265
Sales Tax identification number according to §27a UStG: DE209125001
Authorized Managing Director: Dr. Matthias Leu, also responsible for all content of this server according to §55.2 RStV.
- The whole content of this web server, for which we are responsible in accordance with § 7 Abs. 1 TMG, was created with the greatest possible care. However, no guarantee is given for their accuracy, completeness, and up-to-dateness.
- In no event shall we be liable for any damages of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of the information published here, whether direct or indirect, consequential or special, including loss of profit, or damage arising out of the Loss of data. This applies even if the possibility of such damages has been pointed out.
- We reserve the right to change the content published by us at any time without prior notice.
- Note about all links on this webserver:
At the time of linking all links were checked by the operator of this web server and showed no illegal content in Germany. If we are informed of an infringement, we will remove the link immediately. Ongoing monitoring of all links is unreasonable. - The copyright for this web server is held by AERAsec Network Services and Security GmbH.
- We have always respected the copyright of third parties when creating these pages. Should a copyright infringement be found, we would be grateful for a communication.
Such contents are removed immediately by us so that no copyright infringement exists. - All product names mentioned are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers.
- The name AERAsec is registered as a trademark in the register of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office under file number 39854409.3.
- We refuse the use of our contact information to provide us with unsolicited advertising or spam. In the event of a breach, we reserve the right to take legal action.