Upgrade from a very old version
Tufin delivers new versions quite often. If you are working with TOS and all your requirements are fulfilled - fine. But sometimes an upgrade is recommended, e.g. if there are new features you want or support is needed. It's quite sure that Tufin Support will recommend an upgrade if you have a problem with a version which is very old.
Upgrades can't always be done inplace. Esp. when upgrading TufinOS from version 1.x to 2.x a fresh install of the OS is needed.
We do upgrades mostly running in virtualized environments. Using Snapshots it's easy to restore the older version if something went wrong.
The upgrade path
Example: Starting with TufinOS 1.1x and TSS 6.1
To upgrade from version 6.x to R16-1 these steps are recommended
- Upgrade to version R12-6
- Upgrade to TufinOS 1.17 (if not done before)
- Upgrade to version R13-3 GA
- Upgrade to version R14-1 GA
- Upgrade to version R14-3 GA
- Install TufinOS 2.11 and R14-3 GA. Then migrate the configuration to this version using backup/restore.
If an upgrade of TufinOS isn't possible, upgrade to PSQL version 9. - Upgrade to R15-1 GA
- Upgrade to TufinOS 1.21 - only needed if still TufinOS 1.x is used
- Upgrade to R15-3 GA (direct upgrade to R16-1 is possible)
- Upgrade to R15-4 GA
- Upgrade to R16-1 GA
This procedure has been proven and should work in many situations.