What happens with USP if a Network is not member of a SecureTrack Zone?
Having a Unified Security Policy (USP) matrix defined requires zones configured in SecureTrack Network Topology. Networks are assigned to these zones, which are referenced in a USP. In this matrix, traffic can be allowed or forbidden explicitely. The compliance of a connection with USP is tested in SecureTrack Violations as well as SecureChange Risk checks and SecureApp Compliance checks.
Besides individually configured zones a zone called Internet is available by default. This zone includes all networks that are not configured to be in other zones and that are not defined as Private Networks (RFC 1918). So in many cases this Internet Zone can be used to forbid "all other traffic" in the USP. So all official networks which aren't assigned to an individually configured zone will result in "RISK".
What happens if a private network like e.g. isn't assigned to a zone, but used as SRC or DST?
Behaviour before R18-2 HF1
Private networks not assigned to a zone referenced in the USP are not mentioned here, so they are not tested - and therefore such a network in SRC or DST will not lead to "RISK". Result of USP check is "no risk".
Behaviour since R18-2 HF1
Tufin has introduced a new row to configure this behaviour. This can be done quite easily:
- Navigate to https://<SecureTrackHost>/stcgitest.htm
to be redirected to https://<SecureTrackHost>/securetrack/admin/stcgitest.htm
- Find Edit StConf and follow the link to Edit StConf
- Press the button to Fetch Current Conf
- Now search for this entry and modify the severity as needed
- When ready, safe the configuration using the button Submit New Conf
You can select the Severity by changing the number in the middle of the expression. Possible options are
0 - No Risk (Default, same behaviour as before R18-2 HF1)
1 - Severity low
2 - Severity medium
3 - Severity high
4 - Severity critical
Based on this information a USP can be configured in a way that also "unknown" private networks lead to "RISK"