How to manage Licenses in SecureTrack
Licensing in Tufin Orchestration Suite is done centrally in SecureTrack. Even if SecureChange / SecureApp is run on a separate server, licenses are stored in SecureTrack and published to the other machine. If a license is installed, it needs to be activated. This is quite easy using the "Generate" button. When getting the activated license, it should be installed in SecureTrack so it's bound to this system.
When switching from an Eval license to a permanent license (and vice versa) it might happen that the newly installed license isn't recognized correctly. In this case, some CLI commands regarding the database are useful.
Before you continue, create a BACKUP of your installation of SecureTrack!
It includes all configuration and also the license. Be careful when you use the commands below - without license Tufin Orchestration Suite will not work at all!
For getting further information or deleting licenses CLI access to SecureTrack is necessary.
As usual for Tufin commands, this needs to be done as root or using the sudo command.
Next steps could be:
Show the currently installed licenses
[root@TufinOS ~]# psql securetrack -Upostgres -c "select * from st_licenses"
Delete all licenses of type "full", i.e. "real" licenses
[root@TufinOS ~]# psql securetrack -Upostgres -c "delete from st_licenses where license_type='full'"
Delete all licenses of type "evaluation"
[root@TufinOS ~]# psql securetrack -Upostgres -c "delete from st_licenses where license_type='evaluation'"
Delete all licenses of both types, i.e. "full" and "evaluation"
[root@TufinOS ~]# psql securetrack -Upostgres -c "delete from st_licenses"
As written above, be careful with these commands and use them only when a current Backup is done!